The first essay test of the year is graded, and the results graphed above. Interpolation: Out of 14 tests, ranging from 14%-91%, the mean score was 73.4%, which is a B in the Honors grading scale used in this course. A 14% would indicate that a student read none of the assigned summer reading books. A 91% would indicate that all three books were read, and read actively. I expect that this first test will be the most challenging of the year. Why? Because we, as a class, did not "study" any of these novels. In other words, I think you will find that class discussions, presentations, and close study of the works we'll read this year will result in much higher grades and much more raw learning.
A good deal of doing well on an essay test depends upon being intimately familiar with the subject matter (the what), but your success also depends upon knowing how to express that familiarity and understanding on paper in response to specific questions. I've already given you tips on how to take this sort of test, but I am supplementing that now with a sample answer key to the Summer Reading Essay Test. The answers on this sample key are taken from answers supplied by you, the students, on the test you took Wednesday. All of these are exemplary answers to the questions posed. Each received the full 10 points, and in some cases an extra 3 points for a "best in class" answer. You would do well to study these answers in order to understand the "how" of taking this type of test.
Available in PDF here: Summer Reading Essay Test - KEY.
Your tests will be returned to you Tuesday morning.