Monday, February 15, 2010
Schedule Adjustments
Due to the fact that we've only had two poetry classes together since we began the unit, I am adjusting the schedule generally by an entire week. That means that your second explication will be due next Tuesday, February 23. Your next 5-minute quick quiz will be next Tuesday -- and we'll go from there.
You should download the revised assignment schedule here: [ assignment sheet ]
Please note one other adjustment on the assignment sheet: I have assigned one Junior to give an introductory presentation on each of the remaining poems, beginning with Auden's "Musee des Beaux Arts," which we will discuss in the next class, whether it is this Tuesday or Wednesday -- depending on snow. Please consult the revised assignment sheet to see which poem you are responsible for. (Annmarie already gave a presentation on Bartleby the Scrivener.)
NOTE: I am not adjusting the schedule for data sheets. The data sheet due today can either be emailed to me -- or, I will collect it on the morning of the next day we have school.
Do let me know if you have any questions.
Is it a coincidence that you assigned me one of my all-time favorite poems?
A happy coincidence. I'm glad.