Sunday, August 30, 2009

Word of the Day: Codswallop

You've probably heard the word, but what does it mean?

codswallop: (n.) nonsensical talk or writing; bull, bunkum, bosh, fiddle-faddle, flapdoodle, hogwash, horse feathers, hooey, hokum, malarkey, poppycock, tommy-rot, whang-doodle, balderdash, piffle, rubbish, baloney, bilgewater, blather, blither, falderal, "the stuff they feed fools on," or common, everyday windbaggery.

Surely, other synonyms spring to mind...


  1. windbaggery? falderal? Those are some pretty interesting words! You should put up a word of the day everyday!

  2. The funny thing is that while I haven't heard some of the more "intelligent" sounding vocabulary word in the English language. I have heard most of those words in every day use...

  3. Horse feathers...I'll have to remember that one


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