Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Encapsulation -- Preview: Lady Eleanore's Mantle

Encapsulation projects are due on Tuesday -- a week from today -- in case anyone needs a reminder. Film projects should be ready on DVD format by then. Let me know if you need to make alternative arrangements. For now, I see one of the projects has its own trailer. From the Hof-Con-Son triumvirate, Lady Elenore's Mantle.


  1. Love the scrolly-stuff and script text. I look forward to seeing the encapsulation movie itself!

  2. Thanks! I just hope that the movie even makes any sense! I know I will know what is going on.....I just hope everyone else will!!
    I can't wait to see everyone's though!

  3. Bartleby, as a reminder, The Far Side Freak's and mine will be on CD. We will bring a CD player in so that the class can listen to our production. Do I need more than one copy of the CD, and do you need to keep one of them?

  4. Larry -- You'll need to turn in a CD of your "radio play" to me; but feel free to make additional copies for yourself. And, yes, please do bring in a CD player so that we don't have to go fishing around for one. Danke!

  5. Bartleby, will you count it against me if I use subtitles in a few shots of my movie? There are a few lines that got mumbled or slurred so I think subtitles are the best way for me to be sure that they are understood.

  6. Voice -- no, I will not hold it against you. Clarity first, as the middle school teacher once said.

  7. Bartleby, we finished editing our movie yesterday....and boiled it down from 9 and a half minutes to just under eight minutes. Is that still WAY too long? Because I don't think we can cut any more out without it getting confusing...

  8. Juli, Let's just go with the just-under-8-minute version.

  9. Mine ended up being...um...9 minutes-45 seconds...with say three of those minutes being the combined time of the intro and outro...How does that sound Bartleby?

  10. Sounds like we might need to start class early on Tuesday -- fine by me.

  11. That's really cool! I can't wait until I get to see it!!!!!!!


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